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Exhibition at Tate Britain

My work was shown at Tate Britain as part of the Life Between Islands exhibition over the course of 3 days. This was part of a competition to celebrate the opening of the still ongoing Life Between Islands exhibition, responding to the theme of ‘home’. 


Tate Collective Open Call

Finding Home

´Fleeing Home´ is a recreation of a series of drawings made by a little girl in a refugee camp in Greece. I visited this camp in 2016 and I sat down with families to listen to their stories, in hopes of understanding how we, as communities, could help tackle the refugee crisis.


Listening to the journey she was put through at such a young age, and seeing her reflections visualized on a torn wall made me realize how fragile the term ´home´ can be.


Five years later, when I was reflecting on what kind of artwork represents home to me, I find the answer in her drawings.

Observations in refugee camps in Greece, 2016

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